Hair in the wind

    • 📅04.07.2021
    • 🕜17h00

    Club Vérité is a Breizh girl’s band born during a tumultuous ping-pong game between Soline Chailloux and Charlotte Vitaioli. 

    Silly songs and love songs wander languidly, gazing upon the sea, in in tragi-comedic fashion ; Club Vérité plays on transformism and wriggles about in a choreographic mise en scene adopted from burlesque. A Dadaesque performance unfolding in seven living tableaus, interspersed with costumes and colorful props.

    A spectacle that embraces the Music Hall genre overlaid on contemporary synthetic pop, whose innocent desire is to sell oblivion by transforming silliness into sublime illusion.

    Club Vérité is invited by the CACC for its Cultural Sundays program, a series of rendezvous offered by the cultural affairs administration of the Théâtre de verdure of Clamart.

    The Club Vérité project is coproduced by the CACC and the 3bisf, the Contemporary Art Centre in Aix-en-Provence.


    Théâtre de Verdure, Clamart


    Soline Chailloux and Charlotte Vitaioli


    Madeleine Mathé

    Equinoxe Sunset

    Guillaume Aubry Sterling Hudson