As part of Nicolas Boulard’s The Rule of Cool exhibition, Christophe Kim presents his programme for a museum of extraterrestrial art. The Museum of Extraterrestrial Art brings together works at the outer limits of physical space and of art. The MAE is at the intersection of various types of museums and museographic practices, from art centres to museums of early art, from ethnology to alienology… All documents produced by the MEA are translated into extraterrestrial language.
Christophe Kihm is a critic and exhibition curator. Member of the editorial board of Art press and co-director of its magazine (ed. Léo Scheer), he teaches at the Haute école d’art et de design of Geneva. He is the author of numerous critical and theoretical works focussing primarily on art, music, and criticism itself. Alongside Renaud Loda and Peter Szendy, he inaugurated the Museum of Extraterrestrial Art in Geneva in 2012.