An architect and artist, Guillaume Aubry has long pursued theoretical and plastic reflections around the question of the landscape in relation to the figure of the spectator and tourism as a potential artistic practice, notably in the form of the online blog caspardavidsomething.tumblr.com, which compiles photographs that evoke the pictorial work of the German romantic painter David Friedrich.
In parallel, he undertakes in-depth studies of sunsets by exploring their occurrences in contemporary creative work. How and why has the sunset become such a “cliché”?
Following a ludic and transversal presentation of the corpus of his work in the form of a projection of images taken from contemporary plastic creation, cinema, and art history, the artist will invite the public to collectively participate in a recording of the sunset, forecast at 19:00 on the dot that day.
Guillaume Aubry was born in 1982. He is an artist and architect. After a year of masters work in urban sociology at the University of Tokyo, he earned his architectural degree at the École National Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-La Villette, then became part of the La Seine research programme in visual arts at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris. He is a graduate of the IHEAP (Institut des Hautes Études en Art Plastique) and currently an instructor at the École des Beaux-Arts de Saint-Brieuc. He is a co-founder of the architecture collective FREAKS in Paris.