Out of Bounds

    • 📅07.09.2013

    Nadya Bertaux, Nicolas Boulard, Jean-Baptiste Bulot, Alain Cardenas Castro, Matthieu Cossé, Lorraine Féline, Bernadette de Gouberville, Cécile Noguès, Patrick Pinon, Xavier Pinon, Virginie Rochetti, Aurélie De Rolland, Lise Rousset Lesieur, Caroline Thion-Poncet, Martine Vallée, Yannick Vallet, Giuliana Zefferi

    Whether boundaries and limits are symbolic, artistic, or physical, one of the main motives in contemporary art is to play with these borders, distend them, circumvent them, and sometimes approach them. This research goes very well with Michel Lenouvel’s architectural design of the gallery, whose transparency removes all borders between the earth and the sky, the garden and the building, the interior and the exterior. 

    The artists gathered for Out of Bounds practice transgression as they attempt to go beyond the possibilities of mediums and artistic supports, or test the possibilites of a medium or material such as painting, sculpture, photography, sound, installation, light, and performance …

    This theme will also be used in the different contemporary artistic approaches taken by the classes participating in this year’s 4Z’ARTS program.

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