Ariane Loze

    • 📅01.01.2019

    In 2019, the CACC accompanies Ariane Loze over the course of a creative residency with the goal of producing a new artwork. In this video coproduced with the CACC in preparation for the opening of an exhibition, the motif of dinner, which is at the heart of the exhibition, is visible in Ariana Loze’s work in intimate dialogue with the exhibition space and with the contemporary moment. The CACC thus became, little by little, an exhibition hall, an installation to browse, a performance space, and a film backdrop. 

    Mainstream (HD video, in color, with sound, 2019, 19’26’’) was produced for the exhibition “It is not that we are, but that we become”.

    👉Artist’s website

    👉Mainstream video

    Mainstream (HD video, in color, with sound, 2019, 19’26’’) was produced for the exhibition “It is not that we are, but that we become”.

    Watch the video

    We are not, we become

    Ariane Loze

    Discussion with Ariane Loze and Florian Gaité, art critic


    Ariane Loze performance

    Biography of Ariane Loze

    Born in 1988 in Brussels, Ariane Loze has produced and acted in videos and performances since 2008, reducing mediums to their minimum : an actor/director and a camera. Her videos have been shown in numerous festivals and institutions : Salon de Montrouge (Paris), Kanal Centre Pompidou (Bruxelles), Riboca (Riga), Palais des Beaux-Arts (Bruxelles), S.M.A.K (Gand), Tempelhof (Berlin).
    Ariane Loze is a laureate of the Prix du Conseil départemental des Hauts-de-Seine as part of the 63rd Salon de Montrouge.