Slow Motion

    • 📅01.03.2021

    The programming of the Centre d’Art Contemporain Chanot (CACC) has been on hold since March 2020, which has led the team to reflect on new ways of working with artists and addressing the public.

    In order to support the artists and more widely all the actors of the visual arts sector, the Centre d’art contemporain Chanot proposes a research residency at home entitled Slow Motion. The CACC thus reaffirms its mission to support exploration and reveals itself as a space of experimentation that encourages and defends risk-taking. Thanks to this support, contemporary creation unfolds over a long period of time, that of research and production, and thus allows projects to be perpetuated and concretized over time.

    For the German philosopher Hartmut Rosa, modern life is a constant acceleration. The current technologies are developed to gain always more time, this optimization integrates all the aspects of our social life and obliges us to follow the measure in order not to be excluded. Paradoxically then, time is constantly running out. Under the pressure of an ever-increasing rhythm, individuals face the world without being able to inhabit it and without managing to appropriate it. This acceleration is also analyzed by Jonathan Crary in his book 24/72 where he presents sleep and dream as forces of resistance. To find time to dream, to reflect and to be in touch with the present. The CACC proposes to use the time it has available to offer it to artists and art professionals, in order to support projects that are already underway and whose framework is limited. The purpose here is not to initiate a new production but to relaunch an experimentation that would have been slowed down, postponed.

    The CACC is pleased to announce the winners of the Slow Motion residencies. Slow Motion is a research program open to artist/art professional pairs developed by the CACC in response to the closure of cultural venues. We thank the four external personalities who worked with the CACC team and the Direction of Culture of the city of Clamart to study the 74 applications received : Elena Cardin, Flora Fettah, Matthieu Lelièvre, Marine Pagès. At the end of this process, 3 pairs were chosen for the coherence, the originality and the commitment of their proposal.

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    Cécile Serres, Considered to be allies


    Tony Regazzoni Aurélie Faure

    We Finish Off Discos

    Tony Regazzoni

    Discussion between Elsa Brès, Elise Florenty and Madeleine Mathé about the film Les Sanglières by Elsa Brès

    Elsa Brès
    Elise Florenty

    pour Sanglières

    Elsa Brès est une artiste vidéaste diplômée du Fresnoy, pour Sanglières elle est accompagnée d’Elise Florenty (Elinka Films) productrice de ce moyen-métrage. Le film porte sur les alliances humains/sangliers au cœur d’une forêt cévenole, envisagés comme alliés de luttes. Slow Motion constituera pour elles une résidence d’écriture afin d’optimiser le tournage qui aura lieu à l’automne. La restitution de Sanglières et des recherches qui l’encadre sera pensée aux côtés de l’équipe du CACC.

    pour Phylactère n°2

    Auriane Preud’homme et Roxanne Maillet sont toutes deux artistes et graphistes, elles ont fondé la revue Phylactère centrée sur la performance. Pour ce second numéro elles ont souhaité travailler aux côtés de Camille Videcoq, fondatrice de l’association Rond-Point. Phylactère 2 se concentrera sur l’onomatopée « Oh là là ! ». Le lancement de la revue donnera lieu à un cycle de performances au sein du CACC ou en ligne.

    pour Le Fantôme de la discothèque

    Tony Regazzoni s’intéresse aux rituels de la nuit et plus particulièrement au modèle de la discothèque des années 1980–1990 comme lieu d’oubli mais aussi d’affirmation et d’invention de soi. Pour Slow Motion il s’associe à Aurélie Faure, commissaire d’exposition, pour une recherche sur la boite de nuit italienne aujourd’hui désaffectée : Ultimo Impero. Slow Motion leur permettra d’être épaulé dans cette recherche au long cours et de penser des modes de restitutions avec le CACC.