This event presents Violaine Lochu’s performance of Archivox, a solo by Jean-Luc Guionnet, and the creation of a common performance : Echosytems.
Vocal performance by Violaine Lochu, 30 minutes, 2018. Production Jeu de Paume.
Machine, wind, bird, watch, telephone, insect… Violaine Lochu proposes to list, classify, and arrange a set of non-human sounds into a vast scorecard. Reactivating these archives with her own voice, she engages in an exercise of hybridization, questioning the relationship between the human being and his or her environment whilst perverting the classic dualisms of nature/culture, man/animal, living being/machine…
Improvised performance, voice and saxophone. CACC production.
Following The Confusion of the Choir—a performance for 4 singers questioning the venue’s acoustics—Echosystems plays with the configuration of the Chanot Contemporary Art Center, which is made up of a building and a garden. From a distance, Jean-Luc Guionnet’s saxophone and Violaine Lochu’s voice establish a dialogue of “blind” questions and answers where improvisation plays a large role.

An improvised and free jazz saxophonist and organist, Jean-Luc Guionnet is also a visual artist, performer, and a composer of electroacoustic music. Poly-instrumentalist, he has improvised and experimented with Eric La Casa, Pascal Battus, Edward Perraud, Clayton Thomas, Will Guthrie, Claire Bergerault, and Thomas Bonvalet…