To increase the perspectives on today’s artistic discourse and gestures, the Albert Chanot Art Center will annually present a carte blanche to one or more figures developing their art in a field outside the visual arts.
For this inaugural edition, singer Barbara Carlotti and director Gurwann Tran Van Gie will take part in the exercise, revealing the intimate and singular links they have with the visual arts through an exhibition and a series of events with their invited guests.
Having grown up just a stone’s throw from the exhibition space, Barbara Carlotti has a singular link with the art center. An early fan of science fiction, poetry, painting, and pop music, Barbara spiced up her childhood in an uneventful suburban neighborhood by imagining herself as an artist. As a child, she went to school with the people residing in the center. She recalls how one day, in the playground, she believed herself to have superpowers and got into a fistfight with one of them. She ended up getting quite a beating (which she will remember for the rest of her life!). After this dramatic episode, in her whimsical child’s mind, the center became both an attractive and terrifying place where her adversary resided !
Gurwann Tran Van Gie cultivates his need for solitude, humor and the bizarre by juggling various means of expression : writing, directing, broadcasting, and the practice of Ericksonian hypnosis. His desires for experimentation, collaboration, and the co-existence of different universes coincide with those of Barbara Carlotti, whom he met in the France Inter studio during a special performance dedicated to him. That day, their chemistry led to the promise that they would work together down the line. It was during his first visit to the Albert Chanot Center, whose history touched and affected him, that he imagined N’habite plus à l’adresse indiquée. It became obvious that he should conceive of and develop the project with his friend Barbara Carlotti, who, by chance, had grown up in the neighborhood. This marked the beginning of the N’habite plus à l’adresse indiquée adventure.
N’habite plus à l’adresse indiquée revives the successive stories that make up the Chanot Art Center. Indeed, the pavilion has known different stages : it was first inhabited in 1932 by the painter Albert Chanot, who built the art studio, painting more than 1000 canvases over 30 years. Since 1980, the space has been home to an art center. There, childhood and personal memories—fictional or fantasized—enter into dialogue and mesh with the traces of the characters and the works that have occupied the house in order to reconstitute the pieces of a puzzle of absence, the vestiges of past presences. N’habite plus à l’adresse indiquée leads the visitor—here, a voyeur—down a curious path through real and imagined territories. For this project, Barbara Carlotti and Gurwann Tran Van Gie have surrounded themselves with visual artists, video artists, writers, designers, and dancers who give rhythm to their lives and accompany them in their respective projects, offering an intimate selection of pieces. Committed to the place and its history, the artistic proposals, actions, and exhibitions are spread throughout the visible and hidden spaces of the art center : in addition to the exhibition gallery, there are sound bites in the pavilion and sculptural incursions in the garden.
Performances, exhibitions, gatherings, literary, sound, and musical projects compose the script entitled N’habite plus à l’adresse indiquée, allowing for snapshots and impromptu events to be discovered all throughout the exhibition.
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Barbara Carlotti’s biography
In 2012, writer, composer, and performer Barbara Carlotti released “L’amour, l’argent, le vent”, her fourth “noteworthy and noted” album (Libération), which earned her the Grand Prix Chanson of the Charles Cros Academy, and a nomination at the Victoires de la Musique. An artist at the crossroads of the arts, she has collaborated with the choreographer Julie Desprairies, the song artists Dominique A, Philippe Katerine, JP Nataf, Michel Delpech, Bertrand Belin, the writers Mathieu Riboulet and Arnaud Cathrine, the video artist Cécile Paris, and the directors Serge Bozon and Axelle Ropert. On March 28, 2013, she published “La fille”, a book-album with the cartoonist and scriptwriter Christophe Blain (Grand Prix at the Angoulême Festival).
Biography of Gurwann Tran Van Gie
Writer, director, actor and performer, Gurwann Tran Van Gie co-wrote and co-directed the short comedy program “Un film Sans” aired on Tps Star. He has produced reports for Laurent Goumarre’s cultural program “Entrée libre” on France 5. With the visual artist Laurent Pernot, he initiated the project “Transit”, which chronicles the gradual transformation of an overweight actress. In 2011–2012, on France Inter, he interpreted “the artist who earns not to be known” in the program “Chantons sous la nuit” by Arthur Dreyfus. In 2013, also with Arthur Dreyfus, he prepared “Les invisibles”, a collection of docu-fictions in collaboration with the INA. He is also a hypnologist certified by the ARCHE and in N’Habite plus à l’adresse indiquée will be presenting an experimental film of regression through the hypnosis of Danielle Wallers, who was the manager of the Albert Chanot art center from 1980 to 2012, and whose personal history has left an intimate mark on the space.